The Gypsies were run out of Parma …

but there was no mob with pitchforks and torches!!!

Sorry for the delay in posting but we are now camping in a state park about 25 miles from Amy’s house and there is no Wi-Fi and pretty sparse phone signal.  Seems that Parma has an ordinance against trailers in driveways, WAY different than Kanab!! So we had two nights at Amy’s then had to get up, pack up and move to a spot where we can camp in peace!

The lake view from our campsite

I actually like where we are better than living in a driveway and it is super pretty where we are, just was a PITA moving again when we just wanted to hang out (it also ain’t free and that is a bummer). We are pretty much alone in the campground, only three or four RV’s down by the lake and we rarely see anybody which is real nice!

This will be our spot for the next week or so.

The buns handled the move with thier usual grace and style but Doc is currently giving Debby the bum when he sees her, guess he didn’t like the butt bath and grooming sesion! We have two x-pens set up and are rotating the buns outside for some sun and fun, they are really liking that!

Debby’s new tatoo

Debby got inked today, her first tatoo, of course it is a bunny! The tat is of her original rabbit, Rosebud, and came out very nice!

Tomorrow we will be going to Niagra Falls.  Part of this trip is planned for seeing things we have never seen and since we will be headed south soon it makes sense to see the falls and enjoy the autumn colors.  we are headed back to Punderson so I’ll close this for now and hope to get something here tomorrow.

See you all soon.


  1. I forgot to say that Zoe is finally mellowing out, the stuff we got her seems to be working!!! Last night Debby stayed at Amy’s house and I stayed with the dog and buns at the trailer. I was playing my guitar and looked over, Zoe had actually gone into her cage all by herself and was sleeping, pretty cool!!!

    • Uncle Lenny said:

      Hi guys. Cool tat, Debbie. So, did it hurt like you thought it would? Cassie and Capt. Jack got their official markers on Thursday. I did it. And David had painted the rabbit sculpture at Cassie’s site. He used an off white, pebble paint like the ones of the birds at Angels Rest. Looks good. Keep the tat clean and use a good lotion and you will be healed in no time. Don’t scratch!

      • debby widolf said:

        Yes Lenny, it did hurt! Actually the first hour was not so bad but the last 20 or 30 minutes were murder. I am 99.9% sure that this will be my one and only tattoo. I will leave more tats to you brave souls. I do love it and doubt that I will ever regret having my girl on my arm. I can bend my arm and it is like I am holding her. xo

  2. Hi Deb and Victor, loving your blog. I have been zooming in on Google earth to see where you are…..cant believe you crashed into Amys house (smile) – pretty funny and probably something I would do…
    All the buns an doggy seem happy. Niagara falls will be amazing, hope you add some photos. Will be getting colder over there now, getting so hot here…take care love Gabby xxx

  3. Faith said:

    That tattoo is huge but very impressive! I loved your comment about how it seems like you are holding her.

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