

Well we are about halfway through Kansas and it has been a bit of a frustrating day so far.  The cotter pin on the trailer’s tongue broke so we had to go to a hardware store to get a new pin.  With that done we headed to Selina to look for hitch pins to replace the pair I lost in Denver, so far no luck next stop is Abilene to stop at a different RV place, hopefully we can get a pair there so we have our anti-sway back in operation.  We wanted to get as far as Kansas City today but that doesn’t look like it will happen, good thing we aren’t on a real schedule!
We woke to a windy day and the buns were not impressed!  Bogie, as is normal for him, simply ignored the wind and hung out in his x-pen, Joey was pretty cool and he is still taking care of Angie.  Angie is starting to come out of her shell.  Joey and Angie were not all that social before we left but Joey has really blossomed being curious and checking everything out!
Doc is being Doc, very mellow and just being cute, as is his primary job.  Zsolt and Halie had a chance to hang in the x-pen this morning and all the buns are happy and healthy!
Zoe still hasn’t quite hit her stride yet, which is surprising as she is usually a pretty confident dog.  I know she will relax pretty soon, this is just a new situation for her, she has never slept in a crate so I have to sit with her as she winds down, never thought that she would be more difficult than the buns!

We are getting better at packing the buns and have worked out most of the kinks of the routine.  now if we can get on the road earlier in the day without any more little stuff slowing us down we will be groovy!

The next post I’ll have Debby talk about how we prepped for the trip, what meds we have along, what is in our bunny first-aide kit and all of that kind of info.
chat soon!